
Honduran pastor murdered; church asks for prayer

On Sunday, January 22, Rafael Erasmo Arevalo, a Mennonite pastor in Honduras, was attacked and killed after leading an evening worship service. Arevalo, from Santa Rosa de Copán, drove about 20 kilometres north to Veracruz, where he had led worship... आगे पढ़ें

No longer foolish and small

Sukodono, Indonesia--In 2008 I went to Cairo, Egypt, under YAMEN! to work at the Anaphora Retreat Centre of the Coptic Orthodox church. I used my limited English language as a basis for learning Arabic. After a month and a half, however, just as I... आगे पढ़ें

Brethren in Christ Church in South Africa celebrates conference status

Energetic music, lively dance, and passion for the church they belonged to was apparent to those who came, both church delegates and visitors, to the conference held just outside of Johannesburg from April 15-17, 2011. A second celebration was then... आगे पढ़ें

Church in India celebrates centennial

Dhamtari, India — The Mennonite Church in India celebrated its 100th anniversary Oct. 27-30 with a gathering of about 1,000 people at Sunderganj Mennonite Church. The MCI is one of eight MWC member churches in India. The MCI traces its origins to a... आगे पढ़ें

Europeans plan to hire coordinator; seek to be ‘a place of blessing’

Madrid, Spain—At their annual gathering, held here in November 2011, leaders of European Mennonite conferences decided to hire a coordinator to serve as their liaison to Mennonite World Conference (MWC) and to fulfill some coordination tasks for the... आगे पढ़ें

Straddling Lao PDR and Zimbabwe

Vientiane, Lao PDR -- Godswill Muzarabani grew up straddling two cultures in Zimbabwe. His father was from the majority ethnic group, Shona, and his mother was Ndebele, the minority ethnic group – classifications that have led to violence between... आगे पढ़ें

MWC Asia Caucus strengthens identity and looks to future

Kolkata, India—Strengthening Anabaptist identity, learning more about Mennonite World Conference (MWC) and their responsibilities and proposing priorities for the future were the main issues that engaged Asian members of the MWC General Council at a... आगे पढ़ें

Warmth, Honesty Mark Mennonite-Adventist Dialogue

Liestal, Switzerland—Representatives of Mennonite World Conference and the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists met in dialogue May 28-31 at the Bienenberg Study and Conference Center in Liestal, Switzerland. The four days of conversation... आगे पढ़ें

Kenyan Mennonites make history by writing it

Nairobi, Kenya – Nine Kenyan delegates and three editors gathered together at the Mennonite Guest House in Nairobi the last week in January. Their task: to proof the manuscript of a history of the Kenya Mennonite Church (KMC), a Mennonite World... आगे पढ़ें

Aid to residents of temporary housing a focus of relief assistance in Japan

Japan—Assistance to residents of temporary housing is one way that Japan Mennonite Fellowship is focusing its ongoing work of relief assistance following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. By the end of December, many shelters had closed and... आगे पढ़ें

Anne Zernike Fund marks centenary of first ordination of female pastor in the Netherlands

Netherlands—On November 6, 2011, the Anne Zernike Fund was established in honour of the first Mennonite female pastor in the Netherlands to mark the centenary of her ordination on November 5, 1911. She was also the first female pastor ordained in... आगे पढ़ें

Colombian Anabaptist churches request prayer for victims, perpetrators and peacemakers

Bogotá, Colombia—On Sunday, April 15, some Colombian Anabaptist churches ask congregations in their own country and beyond to worship, pray and reflect for the victims, perpetrators and peacemakers related to conflict in their country. The... आगे पढ़ें

Seminars encourage spiritual renewal–and much more–in Burkina Faso

Orodara, Burkina Faso – During the second week of February, more than 100 Mennonite women had the time of their lives in Orodara, Burkina Faso. The Eglise Evangélique Mennonite du Burkina Faso annual women’s seminar combines adult continuing... आगे पढ़ें

Well attended women’s conference in Zimbabwe spawns a wider network

Mtshabezi, Zimbabwe—A women’s conference held here in April 2011 attracted more than 1,300 women and resulted in the formation of an “interlink” committee to carry forward the vision of the organizers. The purpose of the gathering was to “link and... आगे पढ़ें

Bert Lobe to retire in December; will assist with MWC transitions

St. Jacobs, Ont., Canada—Bert Lobe of St. Jacobs, Ontario has announced that he will retire from his work with Mennonite World Conference (MWC) at the end of 2012. He has served with MWC since 2008. During this year he will assist the new General... आगे पढ़ें

Nelson Kraybill chosen as President-elect of Mennonite World Conference

After the General Council selected J. Nelson Kraybill (second from left) as MWC President-elect, the MWC officers—President Danisa Ndlovu (left) and Vice-president Janet Plenert (right), along with representatives from North American MWC churches... आगे पढ़ें

Operations Team appointed in new MWC structure

Bogotá, Colombia—In January, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) General Secretary César García unveiled a new staff structure developed with the assistance of consultants James and Karen Klassen Harder of Bluffton, Ohio. The growth and maturity of MWC... आगे पढ़ें

Peace-building model takes root in Colombia

Arauca, Colombia—A grassroots peace-building model, initially developed by Ricardo Esquivia, a Mennonite leader in Colombia, is being utilized in a growing number of places. The model, called Citizen Commissions for Reconciliation (CCR), now links... आगे पढ़ें

General Council Meetings

MWC contributing carbon tax to global projects

MWC contributing carbon tax to global projects In recognition of the environmental impact of their global work, Mennonite World Conference staff and executive committee members are now imposing a simple surcharge on themselves for each mile that... आगे पढ़ें