Mennonite World Conference (MWC) represents the majority of the global family of Christian churches rooted in the 16th century Radical Reformation in Europe, particularly in the Anabaptist movement.
MWC membership in 2023 included one international association and 108 Mennonite and Brethren in Christ national churches from 60 countries, with around 1.45 million baptized believers in close to 10,180 congregations. About 84% of baptized believers in MWC member churches are African, Asian or Latin American, and 16% are located in Europe and North America.
See Shared Convictions here.
Learn about General Council here.
Mennonite World Conference is registered as a nonprofit charitable organization in Canada, the United States and France.
- Canada: Mennonite World Conference Canada, Inc., CRA Registration Number 13470 4618 RR0001
- USA: Mennonite World Conference Inc., Tax Identification Number 362956449
- France: Conference Mennonite Mondiale (CMM), Identifiant SIREN: 401 282 918

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