Posted: November 17, 2017
National church staff and project engineer pose in front of the building project. Photo: Trevor Main.
The International Brethren in Christ Association (IBICA) is the common network for all national conferences of the Brethren in Christ church with the aim to facilitate communication, build trust and cooperation within our global community, and to establish common and mutual understanding through our set of core values. An associate member of MWC, IBICA has some 190,000 attendees in over 30 countries around the world representing dozens of national churches.
Nicaragua Brethren in Christ National Centre
The idea for this project arose about 15 years ago since the number of people attending the meetings of our General Assemblies became more than our local churches were able to manage and it was costly to rent other places to meet. This project aims to construct an auditorium, a dormitory made up of four sections, a kitchen, cafeteria and bathrooms.
This project will provide a space for the annual General Assemblies which are attended by approximately 320 people from all the regions of the country where there are Brethren in Christ churches. It will also be used to train pastors, for meetings of the national church board, pastors, national committees, multi-church events and as a place for local church programs.
These events will be a testimony in the community of our faith in Jesus, they will provide the opportunity to train new leaders who will leave prepared to carry out mission work in their churches, and at the same time will give us a space to worship God together. Lastly, we will have a national meeting site better able to host our brothers and sisters who come as delegates for different events. Thanks to God and many other who have collaborated with us to see this goal, which was once a dream, become reality.
German Garcia, President
Nicaragua Brethren in Christ Church
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