Posted: November 26, 2014
The guests at the November 8 inter-church breakfast included: front row (from left)--Kate Good (Executive Director, Parish Resource Center); Rev. Kathryn Kuhn (Church of the Apostles United Church of Christ); Bishop James Dunlop (Lutheran Lower Susquehanna Synod, Harrisburg); Danisa Ndlovu (President, Mennonite World Conference, Zimbabwe); Joanne Deitzel (Coordinator, Lancaster Mennonite Conference); Father Alexander Veronis (Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church); and Father Paul Fisher (Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg). Back row (from left): Lynn Roth (MWC North America Representative); Rev. David Peck (St. James Episcopal Church); Rev. Pam Reist (Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren); Rev. Josh Nolt (Lancaster Brethren in Christ Church); Rev. Stephen P. Verkouw (Grace Lutheran Church); and Rev. Louis A. Butcher (Brightside Baptist Church). Photo by Merle Good
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA – On November 8, a dozen religious leaders from the greater Lancaster and Harrisburg, PA area met for breakfast to converse with MWC President Danisa Ndlovu.
The focus was leader-to-leader visiting, sharing joys and concerns about their own churches and parishes. The session was chaired by Kate Good, Executive Director of Parish Resource Center, the local inter-church organization which hosted the breakfast.
Then Danisa Ndlovu, from Zimbabwe, shared his own story, his own journey of faith, and his joys and concerns about the global church.
The breakfast guests were fascinated to hear about the plans for 6,000 to 10,000 persons from around the world coming to Harrisburg next July for the Mennonite World Conference Assembly.
Their comments were supportive. Several said that they themselves may want to attend and join in the global celebration with fellow Christians from more than 50 countries.
In the closing moments, Father Fisher turned to President Ndlovu and asked, "What can we do to help?" It was a touching moment as these prominent leaders from throughout the region gathered around the MWC President and prayed for him and the upcoming Assembly.
Article and photo by Merle Good. See also the interview with Danisa Ndlovu in the November 7, 2014 edition of LNP LancasterOnline
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