
Anabaptist dialogues unite Latin America

As the pandemic closed church activities among others, three friends in three different countries started discussing and dreaming of ways to bring Anabaptists together while physically apart. Víctor Rey (from Chile, living in Ecuador), María Elena... 閱讀全文

Together for dialogue

Perspective: Burkina Faso Testimony of Fabé Traoré’s relations with Muslims Born in a Muslim family in Samogohiri, I was a practicing Muslim before my conversion. Today I am a servant of God, commonly called a pastor and in charge of the local... 閱讀全文

“We are with you”

Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of Deacons, Faith and Life, Peace, Mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... 閱讀全文

God was always there

Perspectives: Guatemala Mayas and Anabaptists: A spiritual encounter Guatemala is a beautiful country with pluricultural, multilingual, multi-ethnic and multi-religious peoples. God allowed my birth to happen here. What God had prepared for my life... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – July 2021

On 23-25 June 2021, MB leaders from around the world, our staff, and special guests gathered at our online Summit to have fellowship, make decisions, and share about how God is working in the global ICOMB family. We heard reports from conferences... 閱讀全文

Is church online for good?

“We’re all going through the same storm but we’re not all in the same boat. Context is everything.” These words, spoken by a North American pastor, address the divergent responses to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Many congregations in Canada and the... 閱讀全文

Mennonites in Myanmar face desperate situation

Amid mass protests, lethal military response and UN warnings of Myanmar becoming a “new Syria,” one Mennonite source in the country said. “We are in darkness, full of fear and with no hope for the future.” This story does not use the source’s name... 閱讀全文

Worship that transcends physical boundaries

The auditorium, filled with thouands of worshippers, tuned in intently as Debora Prabu broke the silence with an a cappella solo of Oh, Prince of Peace , a pentatonic hymn in the Javanese language written by Saptojoadi of Gereja Injili di Tanah Jawa... 閱讀全文

4 rituals to mark the pandemic year

“Worship is a series of actions: gathering, praising, reconciling, praying,” says Katie Graber, co-director of Anabaptist Worship Network. Music, bodily movements, lighting candles, writing prayers can be used as part of rituals for worship to help... 閱讀全文

A form of peace, faith, testimony and mission

Perspective: Indonesia The most difficult situation is the best class of life. When the whole world is facing the pandemic, we learn about solidarity and compassion, not only thinking about ourselves but also other people who are weaker. Even amid... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – June 2021

The church in Lithuania Artūras Rulinskas, leader of Laisvųjų Krikščionių Bažnyčia (Free Christian Church), the MB conference in Lithuania, asks the Global Family to pray for Lithuania according to Psalm 22:22-31. Worship ( I will declare your name... 閱讀全文

Feeding the multitude

From banquet to disaster relief In 2008, Jemaat Kristen Indonesia (JKI)’s senior pastor’s vision for feeding the multitude came into reality with the establishment of Rojo Pawon. Today, it is a thriving venture that serves a wide range of clientele... 閱讀全文

God works in digital ways

Executive committee meets online “The growth of digital platforms has increased the awareness of what our MWC family is doing during the pandemic,” says Carlos Martínez García, Executive Committee member for Latin America and the Caribbean. “I... 閱讀全文

5 lessons from the pandemic

During times of uncertainty, it is normal to be filled with doubt, fear and panic. Remember when Jesus called Peter out onto the water: Peter took a few steps, but as soon as he looked at his circumstances, he was filled with doubt, fear and panic... 閱讀全文

A pastoral letter to Anabaptist-Mennonites of Colombia

Beloved sisters and brothers: The world is watching as forces of domination seek to silence peaceful calls for reform in your country. God, too, is watching, and will bring oppressors to account. God delivers the needy when they call, the poor and... 閱讀全文

A sacrificial call to mission

“Transforming our thoughts from entitlement to sacrifice is a timeless challenge we face in Christian maturity,” says D Berg, a long-term worker with Multiply, the Mennonite Brethren mission agency. “Each church should consider the sacrifice they... 閱讀全文

Called to care, equipped to serve

How YAMEN put this doctor on the path she’d always hoped for Dr. Ela Castro always knew she wanted to spend her life serving those in need. By all outward appearances, this is what she was doing. She’d studied for years to earn her medical degree... 閱讀全文

Mission from the margins

President’s column While leading a study tour in his native Egypt for Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, professor Safwat Marzouk stood before the oldest surviving written mention of Israel. On a 1 200 BC stone inscription, Pharaoh Merneptah... 閱讀全文

The messiness of actual life

Perspectives: Germany Interreligious work in Berlin, Germany Followers of other religious paths are often called “strangers,” but living in Berlin, Germany, that never feels right. Of course, “their” lives are in some sense strange to “us,”... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – May 2021

The church in Japan Takao Sugi, leader of the Nihon Menonaito Burezaren Kyodan, the MB conference in Japan, invites prayer for the church in Japan. The churches continue to gather, with safety precautions in place. They now hold multiple services in... 閱讀全文