Posted: April 21, 2022
How is the gospel being shared in Indonesia, a country with the largest Muslim population in the world? Find out as you worship together with four local congregations that will host the evening worship sessions during MWC’s Assembly 17: in Jepara, Solo, Margokerto and Ungaran.
“Through these satellite locations, all participants can see, hear and experience the unique worship styles found throughout Indonesia,” says Liesa Unger, MWC chief international events officer.
How is the good news being shared in these local communities?
All four pastoral teams mention the richness of the diversity found in Indonesia, a country that officially recognizes six religions. The local Mennonite churches have learned first-hand the importance of neighbours uniting.
- The GKMI* congregation in Solo has been working with Peacemakers Confessing Christ International (PCCI), a network of Anabaptist partners from around the world (under the coordination of Eastern Mennonite Mission USA) with a focus on Christian-Muslim relationships.
- In addition to creating relationships with other faith traditions, the GITJ* congregation in Jepara looks to the past for inspiration. The Mennonite community in Indonesia originates from Jepara: the first Mennonite baptism outside of Europe took place in Jepara on 16 April 1854,
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“The church’s vision is to be God’s family who brings prosperous peace,” say co-pastors Herodion Noto Widi Susabda and Danang Kristiawan. “This vision is realized through building relationships with other religious communities as the most real reality in Indonesia. GITJ Jepara is also a church that respects the cultural roots of its people, namely Javanese culture, and appreciates art and creativity which are the strengths of Jepara.”
- GITJ* Margokerto takes its place in Mennonite history as the second Mennonite “village” founded out of P.A. Jansz’s vision.
- Inspired by attending the Global Youth Summit in Paraguay 2009, young leaders at JKI* Maranatha Ungaran initiated an event that became Unlimited Fire, a conference that creates spaces where young people can encounter God’s love and be trained as they are plugged into local churches and communities.
Access to full worship sessions, workshops, music and interactive chat spaces will be exclusively available to Assembly registrants, in-person or online.
*Today, there are three Anabaptist-Mennonite groups in Indonesia:
- Gereja Injili di Tanah Jawa (GITJ –Evangelical Church in the Land of Java)
- Gereja Kristen Muria Indonesia (GKMI –Muria Christian Church of Indonesia)
- Jemaat Kristen Indonesia (JKI –Indonesian Christian Congregation)
Your registration gives you an all-access pass to Assembly.
Not only….
- plenary speakers beamed to you from 5 different sites in Indonesia,
- the international choir singing old favourites and new hits,
- Workshops with scholars and practitioners in the Anabaptist-Mennonite family
but also
- video activities from the children and teen/youth program
- a small group chat room to encounter new and old friends from around the world
- opportunity to pray with brothers and sisters in places of challenge, suffering or joy.