Posted: October 15, 2013
In this picture: Cristian Vidal (Iglesia Menonita "Puerta del Rebaño" Concepción -Chile), Elena Lopez Ruf (Focolare Movement), Luis Ma. Alman Bornes (Iglesia Anabautista Menonita de Buenos Aires), Omar Kabbara (General Secretary of the Islamic Center of Argentina), María Costilla (National Commission of Youth Pastoral of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina) and Ezequiel Sporn (Latin American Jewish Council).
I have been the coordinator of the Argentine Chapter of the Latin American Youth Inter-Religious Network of Religions for Peace for four years (position that I will be retiring from at the end of the year).
Our community (Iglesia Anabautista Menonita de Buenos Aires) is part of the above network. We understand that as a historic peace church we are called to inter-religious dialogue and cooperation.
On Friday, August 9, we were invited to participate in the celebration of Id Al Fitr Al Mubarak, the Breakfast Feast in the Culmination of the Holy Month of Ramadan, organized by the Islamic Center of Argentina (CIRA in Spanish).
We took the opportunity to invite young Cristian Vidal, who was also present and is a current member of Iglesia Anabautista Menonita Puerta del Rebaño (Concepción - Chile) who is currently in Argentina along with his wife Danitza for study purposes, to join the delegation, which was formed by leaders of the Focolare Movement, YMCA, the National Commission of Youth Pastoral of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina and the Latin American Jewish Council.
The General Secretary, Omar Ahmed Kabbara, warmly greeted us. Also, attending the meeting, were officers of the National Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, diplomats from different Islamic countries, politicians, officials and religious representatives from different communities of faith.
Luis Ma. Alman Bornes